My Ratings based on 1 to 5 Stars: 

★★★★★ 5 Stars: Loved it!
Definitely a favourite and highly Recommended.

★★★ 4 Stars: I liked it
and enjoyed it. Would recommend, maybe had a few flaws but was able to look past them. 

★★ 3 Stars: Meh.
 Might have struggled through it a bit and probably got annoyed at some characters throughout. Might not recommend it would really just be your reading preference. 

★ 2 Stars: Didn't care for it.
Maybe it had a great idea but the story just fell flat. Wouldn't recommend.

★ 1 Star: Stop.  
Reading while you can. I mean that in the nicest way possible. I give 1 Stars to books that I can’t even get through, the characters make me want to pull my hair out. Reading is suppose to be fun and enjoyable, sometimes books just fall short.

**If by chance I am not able to finish a book regarding personal timing or if I just didnt connect with the book, I will still give feedback on tumblr and goodreads as well as Netgalley about what I read so far. 

Authors I've Reviewed